Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Better Reading Challenge

Recently, PopSugar released their 2015 Ultimate Reading Challenge. Being a reader myself (duh) I was intrigued, but also sort of disappointed in the list. Perhaps it's because the "other" Reading Challenge that was recently circulating around my FB feed. While I appreciate the sentiment behind not reading White, Straight, Cisgender authors for a year, I also recognize that many people want to pick up a new book by their favorite author (hello, Clairel!) or have a stack of books lurking on their nightstand waiting to be read.

Ok, this is a picture of my desk, not my nightstand. Books lurk both places.
 So, my solution was to come up with a New! Improved! Reading Challenge. It took the structure of the PopSugar Challenge and added in some categories that would come closer to the OX Jane challenge.  It is as follows:

  • A book with more than 500 pages
  •          A classic romance
  •          A book that became a movie/TV show
  •          A book published this year
  •          A book with a number in the title
  •          A book written by someone under 30
  •          A book written by an African American or African author
  •          A book with nonhuman characters
  •          A funny book
  •          A book by a female author
  •          A book by a minority author
  •          A mystery or thriller
  •          A book with a one-word title
  •          A book set in a different country
  •          A nonfiction book
  •          A popular author’s first book
  •          A book by an author you love that you haven’t read yet
  •          A book a friend recommended
  •          A major award winning book (Pulitzer, Booker, Printz, National, etc)
  •          A book by a LGBT author
  •          A book at the bottom of your to-read list
  •          A book that a family member loves
  •          A book that scares you
  •          A book more than 100 years old
  •          A book based entirely on its cover
  •          A book you were supposed to read in school but didn’t
  •          A memoir
  •          A book you can finish in a day
  •          A book with antonyms in the title
  •          A book set somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit
  •          A book with bad reviews
  •          A book set in the future
  •          A book from your childhood
  •          A book with a color in the title
  •          A book that made you cry
  •          A book with magic
  •          A graphic novel
  •          A book you own but have never read
  •          A book in translation from another language
  •          A play
  •          A banned book
  •          A book you started but never finished 
Go forth and conquer, my friends.

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